Sunday, September 27

Madison's Memory Box

It has been some time since I made a memory box and I forgot how much fun it was to create them! Here is the latest and greatest. Lindsey did a fantastic job of choosing the design for this box!!! I love it...

Sunday, September 20

Karic Lee Collage

Here is another collage that I made with Karic's name and added his middle name in text. This is so much fun!
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Karic's Collage

So here is one of Karic's collages that I made using a natural background.
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Natural Letters

So I have been off work for a few days while healing from getting my tonsils removed and had to find a project to do! I have seen before where photographers take pictures of letters occuring naturally around us and using them to spell out words. I decided to do this with my son's name and my niece's name, Scout. Pictured above is Scout's that I made. I will post Karic's as well. If ya like what you see I can do yours too.
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